Thank you for leading and investing into FiftySix. Our mission is to provide a space for fifth and sixth graders to experience true community and grow authentic faith that goes beyond a Sunday morning. Through an engaging worship experience in the auditorium and a relational group, we want fifth and sixth graders to feel comfortable to ask their big questions and learn who God is and why He's worth following.
"This is why we work and try so hard. It's because we have put our hope in the living God. He is the Savior of all people. Most of all, He is the Savior of those who believe. Command and teach these things." I Timothy 4:10-11
At The Movies: Just like Jesus told parables with Kingdom Messages, we do the same through modern story telling and stories.
December 1st | The Santa Clause
Teaching: The Santa Clause
December 8th | Wonka
Teaching: Wonka
FiftySix | Small Group Guide: Check Planning Center Services (see tutorial in Slack Channel)
December 15th | Inside Out 2
Teaching: Inside Out 2
FiftySix | Small Group Guide: Check Planning Center Services (see tutorial in Slack Channel)
December 22nd | Christmas Party
Teaching: See The Christmas Story from Luke 2
Today's Truth: See Slack Channel for Details
See Planning Center Services for in depth instructions on Games and Order of Gathering.